NABA Butterfly Counts

What is a NABA Butterfly Count?

The North American Butterfly Association has run the Butterfly Count Program in the United States, Canada, and Mexico since 1993. Each of the approximately 450 counts consists of a compilation of all butterflies observed at sites within a 15-mile diameter count circle in a one-day period. The annually published reports provide a tremendous amount of information about the geographical distribution and relative population sizes of the species counted. Comparisons of the results across years can be used to monitor changes in butterfly populations and study the effects of weather and habitat change on North American butterflies.

SE Arizona NABA Counts

There are 7 NABA Butterfly Counts in SE AZ. Due to Covid-19 pandemic concerns, there may not be compilation dinners following the counts and morning meeting places may have changed. Most of the counts take place during the summer monsoon, and ususally rank in the top 10 in the USA for number of species recorded. If you are interested in participating in any count, please contact the compilers directly via email.


NABA asks for a $3.00 per participant fee to help defray costs of compiling the nationwide statistics that result from these counts.


Upcoming NABA Butterfly Count Trips


April 8, 2025 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Greg Greene (

The first SE AZ butterfly count for this year, the Sabino Canyon spring butterfly count, has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 8. This count which aside from covering Sabino Canyon proper also covers all areas along the Catalina Highway right up to the top of Mount Lemmon (of course, at this time of year it might be a bit early for butterflies at 9000 feet). In addition, lower spots such as Lowe's Ventana Canyon Resort and Agua Caliente Park will be covered. This count is open to everyone,... more

Past NABA Butterfly Count Trips


October 5, 2024 -
8:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Various
Compiler: Gerry & Vicki Wolfe (

In 2021, this count was tops in the nation with 79 species found and an amazing 134,929 individuals recorded. The 15 mile diameter count circle includes Montosa, Madera, Florida, Box and Gardner Canyons along with the higher mountain trails accessed from Madera Canyon.

Please contact compilers Gerry & Vicki Wolfe if you wish to participate in this count. Everyone is welcome to participate!


August 4, 2024 -
7:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz (rbailowitz@

The count circle includes Patagonia, AZ and vicinity with an excellent variety of habitats. This is why the  Patagonia count is usually one of the top three species-wise in the nation.


Meet at 7AM at Wild Horse Restaurant for breakfast and area assignments. The compilation dinner will also be at Wild Horse Restaurant.


If interested in participating, contact compiler Rich Bailowitz (rbailowitz@ more

August 2, 2024 -
8:30am to 5:00pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Lori Conrad (

The count circle includes the Chiricahua Mountains from Portal to Rustler and Barfoot Parks and the SW Research Station. In 2023 the Portal count recorded 83 species which was the highest count in Arizona and may well be the highest in the nation. 

Meet at the Portal Visitor Center at 8:30 AM. Compilation dinner will be at Portal Peak Lodge at 5PM. Let Lori know if you plan to attend.


. Contact compiler Lori Conrad (... more

July 30, 2024 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Greg Greene (

The count circle includes Sabino Canyon proper as well as all the areas along the Catalina Highway up to Mount Lemmon itself. There are two Sabino Canyon counts, one in the spring and one in the summer. The spring count which has already been run this year, finds most of its species in the lower parts of the circle, while this summer count does much better in the higher and cooler elevations. A White-striped Longtail was among the better butterflies found last year. Compilation dinner at 5:... more

July 28, 2024 -
6:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

This count circle includes the area from the Huachuca Mountains to the San Pedro River and Ramsey Canyon to the Mexican Border. The Ramsey Canyon count, which has been run for 44 years, is usually in the top 5 for species nationally.


Meet at 6 am at the Landmark Cafe for breakfast and area assignments. The Landmark Cafe is on Fry Blvd at Sierra Vista's west end. Compilation dinner will be at the Country House Restaurant on Highway 92 in the banquet room.


... more

July 26, 2024 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Greg Greene (

The Count Circle includes Montosa, Madera, Florida, Box and Gardner Canyons and surrounding areas in the Santa Rita Mountains. Santa Rita Mountains counts are held twice, one in the summer and one in the fall. Last year this count recorded 69 species.

Contact compiler Greg Green if you want to participate in this count.

April 4, 2024 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Greg Greene (


The first SE AZ butterfly count for this year, the Sabino Canyon spring butterfly count, has been scheduled for Thursday, April 4. This count which aside from covering Sabino Canyon proper also covers all areas along the Catalina Highway right up to the top of Mount Lemmon (of course, at this time of year it might be a bit early for butterflies at 9000 feet). In addition, lower spots such as Lowe's Ventana Canyon Resort and Agua Caliente Park will be covered. This count is open to... more


October 7, 2023 -
8:00am to 3:30pm

Meeting Place: None
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

In 2021, this count was tops in the nation with 79 species found and an amazing 134,929 individuals recorded. The 15 mile diameter count circle includes Montosa, Madera, Florida, Box and Gardner Canyons along with the higher mountain trails accessed from Madera Canyon.

Please contact compiler Mary Klinkel if you wish to participate in this count. Everyone is welcome to participate!

August 8, 2023 -
6:30am to 5:00pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz (

The count circle includes Patagonia, AZ and vicinity. The Patagonia count is usually one of the top three species-wise in the nation and it didn't disappoint in 2022 with a tie for the number one spot with Gilpin, CO at 80 species. Patagonia also had the high counts for 16 species including the all-time high count for the Painted Crescent (46 individuals with the previous high count being 30) and recording the only Slaty Roadside-Skippers (2 individuals). The Patagonia Count... more

August 4, 2023 -
8:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Lori Conrad (

The count circle includes the Chiracahua Mountains from Portal to Rustler and Barfoot parks and the SW Research Station. The 2022 Portal count recorded 64 species and was 12th place nationally, . Of those, 4 were national highs including two which were the only ones seen: Orange-headed (1 individual) and Orange-edged (2 individuals) Roadside-Skippers.The count is being held this year on Friday, August 4. Contact compiler Lori Conrad (... more

August 1, 2023 -
6:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

This count circle includes the area from the Huachuca Mountains to the San Pedro River and Ramsey Canyon to the Mexican Border. The 2022 Ramsey Canyon  count, which has been run for 43 years, came in sixth place nationally with 74 species (just behind Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, OR with 75). It recorded 3 species which were found on no other count last year: Gold-costa Skipper (1 individual), Saltbush Sootywing (3 individuals) and Oslar's Roadside-Skipper (1 individual). The Ramsey... more

July 29, 2023 -
8:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

The Count Circle includes Montosa, Madera, Florida, Box and Gardner Canyons and surrounding areas in the Santa Rita Mountains. Santa Rita Mountains counts are held twice, one in the summer and one in the fall. Interestingly both these counts tied for third and fourth in the nation with 76 species each. The 2022 summer count had 19 species with the highest counts in the nation and the fall count had 20. The 2022 fall count also had the only Chiricahua White (2 individuals) and new all time... more

July 27, 2023 -
8:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Greg Greene (

This count circle includes Santa Catalina Mountains foothills and along Catalina Highway up to Mount Lemmon. There are two Sabino Canyon counts, one in the spring and one in the summer.. The 2022 summer count was eighth nationwide with 69 species just behind the Bensen-Rio Grande Valley SP, TX which recorded 70 on the strange winter date of January 9. The Sabino summer had 5 nationwide high counts of which the Arizona Hairstreaks (6 individuals) were the only ones recorded and the Xami... more

April 6, 2023 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Various
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

The 13th annual Sabino Canyon Spring Butterfly Count  will be held on Thursday, April 6, 2023. The count circle includes Sabino Canyon proper as well as lowland spots as Lowe's Ventana, Sabino Springs Golf Course and Agua Caliente Park and all the areas along the Catalina Highway up to Mount Lemmon itself. It's been a cool winter and not a lot of butterflies are flying yet but temperatures have warmed up and flowers are beginning to bloom!

Please contact the compiler Mary Klinkel... more


October 1, 2022 -
8:00am to 5:00pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

Last year this count was tops in the nation with 79 species found and an amazing 134,929 individuals recorded. The 15 mile diameter count circle includes Montosa, Madera, Florida, Box and Gardner Canyons along with the higher mountain trails accessed from Madera Canyon.

Please contact compiler Mary Klinkel if you wish to participate in this count. Everyone is welcome to participate!



August 9, 2022 -
6:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Wagon Wheel Restaraunt, Patagonia
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz (

Details TBA. Contact Rich if you wish to participate in this count.

August 5, 2022 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Lori Conrad (

Details TBA. Contact Lori if you wish to participate in this count.

August 2, 2022 -
6:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

Details TBA. Contact Doug if you wish to particiapate in this count.

July 31, 2022 -
8:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

Details TBA. Contact Mary if you wish to participate in this count.

July 29, 2022 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Greg Greene (

Details TBA.  Contact Greg if you wish to participate in this count.

April 1, 2022 -
8:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: TBA
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

Please mark your calendars for the Sabino Canyon / Santa Catalina Mts Spring butterfly count to be held FRIDAY, April 1, 2022 ( no fooling ).  This is the best date for avoiding weekend traffic on the Catalina Highway and at Sabino Canyon.


Please let Mary know if you can help with this count, and if you have requests for territory and who you count with.  At this point there are no plans for a meeting time or a compilation dinner due to continuing COVID-19 variants.  As soon... more


October 2, 2021 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Contact Mary if you want to participate
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (


Dear Butterfly Lovers,


Mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021 and claim your territory for the Santa Rita Mts Fall Butterfly Count.  Due to COVID we will not be meeting early in the morning or having a compilation dinner in the late afternoon.


Most of you know the monsoon has been beyond spectacular this year and butterfly numbers are way up, although not all of the species have recovered yet.  With another month before the count, anything... more

August 9, 2021 -
6:00am to 5:00pm

Meeting Place: 6 AM at the Wagon Wheel restaurant in Patagonia
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz (

Please contact the compiler by email if you wish to participate in this count. Area assignments will be given at the meeting place the morning of the count. 

The compilation dinner will be at 5 PM across the street in the front room of the Stage Stop Inn dining room”

August 6, 2021 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Lori Conrad (

Please contact the compiler via email if you wish to participate in this count.

August 2, 2021 -
6:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

Please contact the compiler via email if you wish to participate in this count.

July 31, 2021 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: TBD
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

Please contact the compiler via email if you wish to participate in this count.

July 26, 2021 -
8:00am to 4:45pm

Meeting Place: There will be no meeting spot.
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

The Summer Sabino Canyon / Santa Catalina Mts. butterfly count will be held Monday, July 26, 2021. 

Please contact Mary if you can help with this count.  If you want to request an area, let her know.

Rain has been good so far & flooding could be a problem in the Bighorn Fire burn scar areas.  Certain areas of the National Forest are closed due to this and that could change as we get closer to the date.

There will be no meeting spot or compilation dinner.

March 28, 2021 -
8:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: None (see below)
Compiler: Mary Klinkle (


Please join the eleventh annual Spring butterfly count of the Santa Catalina Mountains of NE Tucson with old and new friends on Sunday, March 28, 2021.


Due to COVID there will be no meeting spot or compilation dinner.  Please contact Mary prior to the count date if you want to participate.


Thanks!!  Mary Klinkel, compiler


October 4, 2020 -
7:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: None
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

This count covers many canyons in the Santa Rita Mountains, including: Gardener, Box, Florida, Madera, and Montosa. Of the 64 species found on the 2018 count more than a quarter  (17) were national high counts, including 4 species found only on this count: Chiricahua White(1), Mexican Fritillary (1),  Red-bordered Satyr (82), and Arizona Giant-Skipper (1). In the 8 years this count has been run, Elf, a rare influx species has been recorded every year including an all-time high of 152 in 2016... more

August 4, 2020 -
6:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: NONE
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz (

This count is usually number one or two in the country.


A note on Skipper abundance: A couple of days ago, even before the monsoon rains have started in earnest, some SEABA members found 21 species of skippers, including 8 species of Roadside-Skippers in one small area within the Patagonia count circle. If you like skippers or just want to brush up on your skipper ID skills, this is the count on which to do it.


Compilation dinner has been cancelled due to... more

August 2, 2020 -
8:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: The parking area across from the Portal General Store on the corner of Rock House Rd & Portal Rd. For those interested in the covering the high country or Paradise in this count circle please contact Lori directly.
Compiler: Lori Conrad (

This count covers Chiricahua Mountains from Portal to Pinery Campground on the west side.


Please contact Lori if you wish to participate in this count

July 31, 2020 -
7:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: NONE
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

This count covers the Santa Rita Mountains, including many canyons: Gardener, Box, Florida, Madera, and Montosa.

Please note there will be no meeting time/place due to coronavirus, also no compilation dinner.  Please contact Mary with your request for area to cover and who (if anyone) you will be counting with.  So far conditions are decent and we should have more rain by then.  Mary will confirm your territory after she hears from you.


Thanks!!  Mary Klinkel, compiler... more

July 29, 2020 -
7:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: NONE
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

You probably know by now that the Coronado National Forest has a large closure order affecting most of this butterfly count circle until Nov. 1, 2020.  I have asked for special permission to count Sabino Canyon and have been denied.  I have asked the Pima County Sheriff's Department for special access to the Catalina Highway up to Summerhaven, and have been granted permission for one person/one vehicle (me) to travel to Summerhaven on WEDNESDAY July 29.


My access to... more

July 28, 2020 -
6:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: 6:00 AM at IHOP in Sierra Vista
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

This count, which is usually in the top three in terms of species in the country, covers the Huachuca Mts. (Ramsey, Carr, Miller, and Ash, Canyons) to the San Pedro River. Doug is still looking for folks to participate in this  year’s count. Compilation dinner: TBA, roughly 5 PM.


Please contact compiler Doug Danforth if you wish to participate in this NABA count.

April 3, 2020 -
7:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: See special notes below
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

No public meeting point/time due to coronavirus closure of Sabino Canyon visitor center & parking lot.  Solos or small groups only, and you must contact Mary prior to the count via email to participate. Let Mary know if you have a preference for where you want to go. She will send you the checklist & confirm your location.  No compilation dinner, just send Mary your list by email, and please include hours by foot/car, time spent.  BE SURE TO USE... more


September 28, 2019 -
7:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: Safeway/ McDonald’s parking lot on Continental Road (exit 63 on I-19) in Green Valley
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

The Santa Rita Mountains fall butterfly count, the last one for this year in SE AZ, will be held on Saturday, September 28,2019.  All counters, including beginners are welcome to meet at the Safeway/ McDonald’s parking lot on Continental Road (exit 63 on I-19) in Green Valley at 7:30 AM. Please contact compiler Mary Klinkel ( ) for advance territory assignments or any questions regarding the... more

August 6, 2019 -
6:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Wagon Wheel, 400 Naugle Ave, Patagonia
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz (

This count is usually number one or two in the country. Compilation dinner TBA.


Please contact compiler Rich Bailowitz if you wish to participate in this NABA count.

July 30, 2019 -
6:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: 6:00 AM at IHOP in Sierra Vista
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

This count, which is usually in the top three in terms of species in the country, covers the Huachuca Mts. (Ramsey, Carr, Miller, and Ash, Canyons) to the San Pedro River. Doug is still looking for folks to participate in this  year’s count. Compilation dinner: Hana Tokyo, Sierra Vista, roughly 5 PM.


Please contact compiler Doug Danforth if you wish to participate in this NABA count.

July 28, 2019 -
7:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: Safeway/ McDonald’s parking lot on Continental Road (exit 63 on I-19) in Green Valley
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

This count covers the Santa Rita Mountains, including many canyons: Gardener, Box, Florida, Madera, and Montosa.

Compilation dinner: Pub 1922 Sahuarita, 4:00 PM

July 25, 2019 -
8:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: U.S. Forest Service visitor center just west of Portal. Contact Lori for other meeting place(s) for high elevation counters.
Compiler: Lori Conrad (

This count covers Chiricahua Mountains from Portal to Pinery Campground on the west side.

July 23, 2019 -
7:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: Sabino Canyon Visitor Center. Check with Mary for other meeting places for folks heading directly up the mountain
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

This count covers Sabino Canyon as well as few low country gardens, also covers numerous spots along the Catalina Highway up to the top of Mount Lemmon. (Coronado Pass or National Parks pass or day pass required for parking) for a low desert field day with Fred Heath, or contact compiler Mary Klinkel to claim your territory on your own or with a group outside of Sabino Canyon.  Even if you only have one hour or don’t know the names of any butterflies you can help with this count!  We have a... more

April 2, 2019 -
7:00am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Sabino Canyon Visitor Center Plaza
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

Join your new and old friends for a grand day in the field in SE AZ for the Spring 2019 Sabino Canyon/Santa Catalina Mountains Butterfly Count to be held Tuesday, April 2, 2019.  This count includes territory easily reached by paved road up the Catalina Highway to Mt. Lemmon, as well as lower Sonoran Desert areas.


Meet at 7am at Sabino Canyon Visitor Center Plaza in NE Tucson (Coronado Pass or National Parks pass or day pass required for parking) for a low desert field day... more


September 29, 2018 - 7:30am

Meeting Place: Safeway/ McDonald’s parking lot on Continental Road (exit 63 on I-19) in Green Valley
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (


This count covers many canyons in the Santa Rita Mountains, including: Gardener, Box, Florida, Madera, and Montosa. Of the 62 species found on the 2017 count almost ¼  (15) were national high counts, including 6 species found only on this count: White Angled-Sulphur (1), Tailed Orange (1),  Colorado Hairstreak (4), Arizona Metalmark (3), Tropical Leafwing (1), and Sheep Skipper (1).  The after-count compilation dinner will be held at Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant, 121 W. Duval Road (... more

August 12, 2018 -
6:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Gathering Grounds Cafe, Patagonia, AZ
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz ( (Please contact Rich in advance to participate in this count.))

Variety galore! Last year this was the number one fall count and tied for 3rd overall with 75 species, 32 of which were skippers.  13 national high counts were recorded of which five species were exclusive to the Patagonia count: Valeriana Skipper (1), Many-spotted Skipperling (58), Carus Skipper (1), Moon-marked Skipper (8), and Toltec Roadside-Skipper (3)


Please contact Rich in advance to participate in this count.

August 6, 2018 -
6:30am to 4:30pm

Meeting Place: Please contact Doug in advance for details to participate and where to meet.
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

This count covers very diverse habitats: The San Pedro River, Coronado National Memorial, Carr, Ramsey and Miller Canyons in the Huachuca Mountains, and as high as Carr Peak.  Last year it was the number two count for the fall counts and 5th overall with 74 species recorded. Of those 11 were high counts for the nation and three were found only on the Ramsey count: Ares Metalmark (1), Short-tailed Skipper (1), and Oslar’s Roadside-Skipper (4).

July 31, 2018 - 6:30am

Meeting Place: Sabino Canyon Visitors Center. Check with Mary for other meeting places for folks heading directly up the mountain
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

This count. which covers Sabino Canyon as well as few low country gardens, also covers numerous spots along the Catalina Highway up to the top of Mount Lemmon. Last year, because of the very late onset of the monsoon rains, only 42 species were found, but of those were 4 national high counts of which two species Nais Metalmark (25) and Black Checkerspot (1) were found exclusively on this count.

July 29, 2018 - 7:30am

Meeting Place: Safeway/ McDonald’s parking lot on Continental Road (exit 63 on I-19) in Green Valley
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (

This count covers the Santa Rita Mountains, including many canyons: Gardener, Box, Florida, Madera, and Montosa. Of the 55 species found in 2017, 8 were high counts nationally including Elf (9), and three species of roadside-skippers: Large (8), Elissa (36) and Dotted (4).

July 27, 2018 - 8:00am

Meeting Place: U.S. Forest Service visitor center just west of Portal. Contact Fred for other meeting place(s) for high elevation counters.
Compiler: Fred Heath (with help from Lori Conrad of Portal) (

This count covers Chiricahua Mountains from Portal to Pinery Campground on the west side. Last year this count recorded 60 species, for which 4 were high counts in the nation, including two species,  the Four-spotted Skipperling (1) and Orange-edged Roadside-Skipper which were found only on the Portal count.

April 3, 2018 -
7:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: Sabino Canyon Visitor’s Center Plaza
Compiler: Mary Klinkel (phone 520-275-0163) ( (not working at present, so copy on emails to Mary))

Join your new & old friends for a fabulous day in the field counting butterflies in the Santa Catalina Mountains on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.  This is the 8th year for this Spring count in NE Tucson AZ.  Meet at 7:30 am at the Sabino Canyon Visitor’s Center Plaza or stake your claim to specific territory by contacting the compiler, Mary Klinkel.  Weather permitting, we generally see around 60 species including spring-only flyers such as Spring White, Sara and Desert Orangetips, Desert... more


September 30, 2017 - 7:30am

Meeting Place: Safeway parking lot at Continental Road (Exit 63) just west of I-19 in Green Valley
Compiler: Mary Klinkel ( or (520) 275-0163)

In 2016 this count recorded 13 national high counts including the only Red-bordered Satyrs and an all-time high count of Elf (152 individuals). Compilation Dinner TBA.

Contact the compiler for further details and to let her know you will be participating.



August 7, 2017 - 6:00am

Meeting Place: Gathering Grounds in downtown Patagonia
Compiler: Rich Bailowitz ( )

This count is almost always  in the top 3 in the nation for species numbers and many times the top count. Last year the count recorded 16 national high counts including the only White Angled-Sulphurs. Compilation Dinner will be at Wagon Wheel in Patagonia at 5 PM or so.

Contact the compiler for further details or to let him know in advance that you will be participating.


August 1, 2017 - 6:00am

Meeting Place: IHOP on Highway 92 in Sierra Vista
Compiler: Doug Danforth (

Enjoy butterflying in the Huachuca Mountains to the San Pedro River. This count always in the top 5 for species totals. This is only count which recorded Edwards’ Skipperling and Short-tailed Skipper last year. Compilation Dinner will be held in the home of Bob Behrstock and Karen LeMay in Hereford with their world class garden at 5ish.

Please contact the compiler for further details and to let him know you will be participating.

July 26, 2017 - 7:30am

Meeting Place: Safeway parking lot at Continental Road just west of I-19 in Green Valley
Compiler: Mary Klinkel ( or (520) 275-0163)

Join your new and old friends for a fun day in the field finding butterflies in the spectacular Santa Rita Mountains of SE AZ!  Meet at 7:30 a.m. on WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2017 at the Safeway parking lot at Continental Road just west of I-19 in Green Valley, if you have not staked your claim to your favorite territory prior to that time.  Everyone is welcome to join us, even if you only know one butterfly or have only a few hours you can help with this count.  Compilation dinner will be at Pub... more

July 23, 2017 - 8:00am

Meeting Place: US Forest Service Visitor’s Center, just west of Portal.
Compiler: Fred Heath (

This is the only count in the nation that regularly records Pine Satyr.

Please contact Fred if you think you might be coming or for more info.

There will not be a compilation dinner.

July 15, 2017 - 6:30am

Meeting Place: Sabino Canyon Visitor Center
Compiler: Karen Nickey ( (520) 326-2070 (no email))

With the onset of the monsoon rains and the opening of the Catalina Highway, the 22nd annual Sabino Canyon Summer butterfly count will go forward as originally scheduled for the third Saturday in July (this Saturday, July 15, 2017).

The Sabino Canyon count circle includes Sabino Canyon proper, as well as all areas along the Catalina Highway to Mt Lemmon. This count last year recorded 56 species and had high counts in the nation for 8 of those species, most of which, such as Arizona... more

March 26, 2017 -
7:30am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place: Sabino Canyon Visitor’s Center Plaza
Compiler: Mary Klinkle (


Join your new & old friends for a fabulous day in the field counting butterflies in the Santa Catalina Mountains on Sunday, March 26, 2017.  This is the 7th year for this Spring count in NE Tucson AZ.  Meet at 7:30 am at the Sabino Canyon Visitor’s Center Plaza or stake your claim to specific territory by emailing the compiler, Mary Klinkel .  Weather... more


October 2, 2016 - 7:30am

Meeting Place: McDonald's/Safeway parking lot in Green Valley at Continental exit from I-19 (exit 63) at 7:30 AM.
Compiler: Mary Klinkle (

Join your friends for fun in the field on the Fall Santa Rita Mts butterfly count in SE AZ.  We will meet at 7:30am on Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016 at the McDonald's/Safeway parking lot on Continental Road in Green Valley, just west of I-19.  This count circle includes such famous butterfly areas as Madera, Montosa, Florida and Box Canyons.  Coronado National Forest pass or Senior/Golden Age/Golden Access pass is required for some areas.

If you have a favorite place you want to go, please... more

August 1, 2016 -
7:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Place:
Compiler: Doug Danforth ()

July 31, 2016 - 7:30am

Meeting Place: McDonald's Parking Lot, Green Valley
Compiler: Mary Klinkle ()

July 23, 2016 - 8:00am

Meeting Place: Forest Service Visitor Center near Portal
Compiler: Fred Heath (

July 16, 2016 - 6:30am

Meeting Place: Sabino Canyon Visitor Center, 6:30 AM
Compiler: Karen Nickey ( (520) 326-2070)

April 3, 2016 - 7:30am

Meeting Place: the Sabino Canyon Visitors Center Plaza or stake your claim to other territory by contacting compiler Mary Klinkel at or (520) 275-0163 prior to the day of the count.
Compiler: Mary Klinkel ( )

The sixth annual Sabino Canyon Spring Butterfly Count is set for Sunday, April 3, 2016. This count includes much of the Santa Catalina mountains NE of Tucson, with excellent access to all habitats via the Catalina Highway. A Coronado National Forest parking pass or Federal annual "American the Beautiful", Senior, Access, or Volunteer Pass is required for parking at Sabino Canyon and some places on the Catalina Highway. Parking pass information can be found on the Coronado NF website:  ... more