NABA Portal Count

Date & Time: 
August 2, 2024 -
8:30am to 5:00pm
Meeting Place: 
Lori Conrad
Compiler Email:

The count circle includes the Chiricahua Mountains from Portal to Rustler and Barfoot Parks and the SW Research Station. In 2023 the Portal count recorded 83 species which was the highest count in Arizona and may well be the highest in the nation. 

Meet at the Portal Visitor Center at 8:30 AM. Compilation dinner will be at Portal Peak Lodge at 5PM. Let Lori know if you plan to attend.


. Contact compiler Lori Conrad ( to participate in this count.

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

Overall, our totals were pretty low this year. This was probably due to a lack of nectar, especially in the lower elevations. 63 species is still presentable, though!

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                         Battus philenor  1
  2. Black Swallowtail                                Papilio polyxenes  3
  3. Two-tailed Swallowtail                     Papilio multicaudata  19
  4. Checkered White                               Pontia protodice  58
  5. Orange Sulphur                                   Colias eurytheme  165
  6. Southern Dogface                              Colias cesonia  7
  7. Cloudless Sulphur                              Phoebis sennae  51
  8. Mexican Yellow                                   Eurema Mexicana  17
  9. Sleepy Orange                                     Eurema nicippe  55
  10. Dainty Sulphur                                    Nathalis iole  19
  11. Great Purple Hairstreak                   Atlides halesus  17
  12. Siva' Juniper Hairstreak                    Callophrys gryneus siva  12
  13. Gray Hairstreak                                   Strymon melinus  6
  14. Leda Ministreak                                  Ministrymon leda  1
  15. Marine Blue                                          Leptotes marina  31
  16. Ceraunus Blue                                     Hemiargus ceraunus  10
  17. Reakirt’s Blue                                       Hemiargus isola  159
  18. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                           Celastrina ladon  88
  19. Central Dotted-Blue                         Euphilotes centralis 10
  20. Arizona Metalmark                           Calephelis arizonensis  1
  21. Ares Metalmark                                  Emesis ares  1
  22. Mormon Metalmark                         Apodemia mormo  125
  23. Palmer's Metalmark                         Apodemia palmeri  5
  24. Nais Metalmark                                  Apodemia nais  1
  25. American Snout                                  Libytheana carinenta  4
  26. Gulf Fritillary                                         Agraulis vanilla  1
  27. Variegated Fritillary                           Euptoieta claudia 12
  28. Bordered Patch                                   Chlosyne lacinia  4
  29. Elada (AZ) Checkerspot                   Texola elada perse  47
  30. Mylitta Crescent                                 Phyciodes mylitta  3
  31. Mourning Cloak                                  Nymphalis antiopa  1
  32. Painted Lady                                        Vanessa cardui  4
  33. Red Admiral                                          Vanessa Atalanta  1
  34. Common Buckeye                             Junonia coenia  6
  35. Red-spotted Purple                          Limenitis arthemis astyanax   3
  36. ‘Arizona’ California Sister                Adelpha bredowii  29
  37. Hackberry Emperor                           Asterocampa celtis  1
  38. Red Satyr                                               Megisto rubricata  3
  39. Monarch                                                Danaus Plexippus  1
  40. Queen                                                    Danaus gilippus  46
  41. Dull Firetip                                            Pyrrhopyge araxes   21
  42. Silver-spotted Skipper                     Epargyreus clarus  9
  43. Golden-banded Skipper                  Autochton cellus  1
  44. Northern Cloudywing                       Thorybes pylades  3
  45. Golden-headed Scallopwing          Staphylus ceos  4
  46. Arizona Powdered-Skipper            Systasea zampa  1
  47. Meridian Duskywing                         Erynnis meridianus  2
  48. Mournful Duskywing                        Erynnis tristis  4
  49. Pacuvius Duskywing                          Erynnis pacuvius  11
  50. Funereal Duskywing                         Erynnis funeralis  3
  51. Common/White Checkered-Skipper        Pyrgus communis/albescens
  52. Desert Checkered-Skipper             Pyrgus philetas  1
  53. Common Streaky-Skipper               Celotes nessus  5
  54. Common Sootywing                         Pholisora Catullus  9
  55. Four-spotted Skipperling                Piruna polingi  6
  56. Orange Skipperling                            Copaeodes aurantiacus  27
  57. Pahaska Skipper                                 Hesperia Pahaska  1
  58. Snow's Skipper                                    Paratrytone snowi  1
  59. Taxiles Skipper                                    Poanes taxiles  17
  60. Moon-marked Skipper                    Atrytonopsis lunus  2
  61. Cassus Roadside-Skipper                Amblyscirtes cassus  1
  62. Bronze Roadside-Skipper               Amblyscirtes aenus  7
  63. Texas Roadside-Skipper                  Amblyscirtes texanae  1


Totals: 63 species, 1164 individuals