Santa Rita Mountains Summer Count

Date & Time: 
July 29, 2023 -
8:00am to 4:00pm
Meeting Place: 
Mary Klinkel
Compiler Email:

The Count Circle includes Montosa, Madera, Florida, Box and Gardner Canyons and surrounding areas in the Santa Rita Mountains. Santa Rita Mountains counts are held twice, one in the summer and one in the fall. Interestingly both these counts tied for third and fourth in the nation with 76 species each. The 2022 summer count had 19 species with the highest counts in the nation and the fall count had 20. The 2022 fall count also had the only Chiricahua White (2 individuals) and new all time high counts for Red-bordered Satyr (172 vs the previous 123 individuals) and Dorantes Longtail (322 individuals!! vs 79), The summer Santa Rita count will be held on Saturday, July 29 and the fall count will be held tentatively on Saturday, October 7. Contact compiler  Mary Klinkel (  if interested in participating in either or both counts. Rain date is July 30.

Note: A US Interagency Recreation Pass is required to access some of the areas in the count circle.

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

Species counted:

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                         Battus philenor  18
  2. Black Swallowtail                                Papilio polyxenes  2
  3. Western Giant Swallowtail             Papilio Rumiko  1
  4. Two-tailed Swallowtail                     Papilio multicaudata  43
  5. Orange Sulphur                                   Colias eurytheme  3
  6. Southern Dogface                              Colias cesonia  9
  7. Cloudless Sulphur                              Phoebis sennae  92
  8. Mexican Yellow                                   Eurema Mexicana  15
  9. Sleepy Orange                                     Eurema nicippe  5
  10. Colorado Hairstreak                          Hypaurotis crysalus  5
  11. Siva' Juniper Hairstreak                    Callophrys gryneus siva  20
  12. Gray Hairstreak                                   Strymon melinus  2
  13. Leda Ministreak                                  Ministrymon leda  5
  14. Marine Blue                                          Leptotes marina  19
  15. Ceraunus Blue                                     Hemiargus ceraunus  20
  16. Reakirt’s Blue                                       Hemiargus isola  6
  17. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                           Celastrina ladon   18
  18. Fatal Metalmark                                 Calephelis nemesis  1
  19. Arizona Metalmark                           Calephelis arizonensis  2
  20. Zela Metalmark                                  Emesis zela  2
  21. Ares Metalmark                                  Emesis ares  1
  22. American Snout                                  Libytheana carinenta  2
  23. Gulf Fritillary                                         Agraulis vanilla  2
  24. Theona Checkerspot                        Chlosyne Theona  1
  25. Bordered Patch                                   Chlosyne lacinia  42
  26. Tiny Checkerspot                               Dymasia dymas 6
  27. Elada Checkerspot                            Texola elada  3
  28. Texan Crescent                                   Phyciodes texana  1
  29. American Lady                                     Vanessa virginiensis  2
  30. Painted Lady                                        Vanessa cardui  85
  31. West Coast Lady                                 Vanessa Annabella  1
  32. Common Buckeye                             Junonia coenia 2
  33. Red-spotted Purple                          Limenitis arthemis astyanax   12
  34. ‘Arizona’ California Sister                Adelpha bredowii  31
  35. Hackberry Emperor                           Asterocampa celtis  3
  36. Empress Leilia                                      Asterocampa leilia  1
  37. Nabokov's Satyr                                  Cyllopsis pyracmon  2
  38. Red Satyr                                               Megisto rubricata  121
  39. Monarch                                                Danaus plexippus  1
  40. Queen                                                    Danaus gilippus  5
  41. Dull Firetip                                            Pyrrhopyge araxes   9
  42. Silver-spotted Skipper                     Epargyreus clarus  1
  43. Arizona Skipper                                  Codatractus arizonensis  41
  44. Golden-banded Skipper                  Autochton cellus  4
  45. Desert Cloudywing                            Achalarus casica  2
  46. Northern Cloudywing                       Thorybes pylades  986
  47. Drusius Cloudywing                          Thorybes drusius  53
  48. Acacia Skipper                                     Cogia hippalus  129
  49. Gold-costa Skipper                            Cogia caicus  1
  50. Golden-headed Scallopwing          Staphylus ceos  26
  51. Arizona Powdered-Skipper            Systasea zampa  4
  52. ‘Arizona’ Juvenal's Duskywing      Erynnis juvenalis clitus  1
  53. Mournful Duskywing                        Erynnis tristis  1
  54. Funereal Duskywing                         Erynnis funeralis  1
  55. Common/White Checkered-Skipper        Pyrgus communis/albescens  4
  56. Common Streaky-Skipper               Celotes nessus  2
  57. Common Sootywing                         Pholisora Catullus  17
  58. Orange Skipperling                            Copaeodes aurantiacus  28
  59. Pahaska Skipper                                 Hesperia Pahaska  1
  60. Taxiles Skipper                                    Poanes taxiles  35
  61. Moon-marked Skipper                    Atrytonopsis lunus  1
  62. Large Roadside-Skipper                  Amblyscirtes exoteria  20
  63. Cassus Roadside-Skipper                Amblyscirtes cassus  43
  64. Bronze Roadside-Skipper               Amblyscirtes aenus  156
  65. Elissa Roadside-Skipper                   Amblyscirtes elissa  10
  66. Texas Roadside-Skipper                  Amblyscirtes texanae  3
  67. Slaty Roadside-Skipper                    Amblyscirtes nereus  1
  68. Nysa Roadside-Skipper                    Amblyscirtes nysa  8
  69. Dotted Roadside-Skipper               Amblyscirtes eos  1