News & Announcements

September 19, 2024

The 12th annual University of Arizona Insect Festival will be held at on Sunday October 6th, 2024 from 10am to 3pm at the ENR2 building on the UA campus at 1064 E Lowell St. SEABA will have a booth at the festival again this year.

The University of Arizona’s Department of Entomology hosts this unique event to encourage understanding of our local insects. During the free, single-day Festival each Fall, thousands of visitors engage in interactive exhibits and learn about insects and the... more

February 26, 2021

Links to recordings of our presentations are posted on the Meetings page as they become available.

January 29, 2019

Tohono Chul is now offering butterfly tours in their garden. Paid admission is required.

Tour days and hours are listed here:

January 17, 2019

SEABA celebrated 20 years of enjoying, promoting, and providing education about butterflies in February. There was a short celebration of this milestone at the February monthly meeting.

May 24, 2018


10:00am to 3:00pm

Environmental and Natural Resources 2 building at the University of Arizona

SEABA will have one of the 20+ booths from various organizations and University of Arizona insect specialists. Fun for the whole family and completely free of charge.

May 23, 2018

SOUTHEAST ARIZONA BUTTERFLY ASSOCIATION                                                                                       

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                     

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Lutheran Church of the Foothills


The SEABA Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting was called to order by Gerry Wolfe, standing in for the... more

April 25, 2018


Executive Committee Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                     

Tuesday, February 28, 2018

Lutheran Church of the Foothills

The Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting was called to order by Larry Fellows, President, at 5:30 p.m.

Members in attendance:  Larry Fellows, President; Gerry Wolfe, Vice President/ Webmaster/... more

February 28, 2018


Executive Committee Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                    

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lutheran Church of the Foothills


The Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting was called to order by President Larry Fellows at 5:30 pm.


Members in attendance:  Larry Fellows, President; Gerry Wolfe, Vice President... more

January 26, 2018

SOUTHEAST ARIZONA BUTTERFLY ASSOCIATION                                                                                       

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                     

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Lutheran Church of the Foothills


The Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting was called to order by Larry Fellows, President, at 5:30 p.m.... more

January 14, 2018

ANNUAL REPORT, Fiscal Year 2017

Southeast Arizona Butterfly Association (SEABA)

Mission.  To advocate for butterflies and their habitats through conservation, education, and recreation.

During Fiscal Year 2017 (November 1, 2016-October 31, 2017) members carried out this mission by providing monthly meetings, leading field trips, maintaining the SEABA website, participating in North American Butterfly Association (NABA)... more

June 7, 2017

Upcoming 2017 Summer and Fall NABA Butterfly Count dates for counts in SE AZ are now posted on on our NABA Counts webpage. Details on how to participate on the counts will be posted as soon as they are finalized.

June 4, 2017

During the annual general membership meeting on May 23, 2017, President Larry Fellows, on behalf of the Executive Committee, presented the following slate of officers, committee chairs, and executives at-large for approval by the members for the coming year.   

  • President - Larry Fellows -  1 year term
  • Vice President – Gerry Wolfe – 1 year term
  • Treasurer – Priscilla Brodkin – 1 year term
  • Secretary - vacant
  • Publicity Chairperson: - Vicki Wolfe –... more
January 10, 2017


(November 1, 2015-October 31, 2016)

Southeast Arizona Butterfly Association


Mission.  To advocate for butterflies and their habitats through conservation, education, and recreation.

Conservation activities.  The North American Butterfly Association (NABA) monitors population and distribution of butterflies in the U.S. by conducting one-day... more

December 17, 2016

Hi SEABA members,

We hope you’ve all enjoyed butterflying during the year, that being a SEABA member has been worthwhile for you, and that both will be even better in 2017!  As usual, your comments and suggestions about how we can improve are always welcomed.

Please read the following message.

Larry Fellows, SEABA President


Hi SEABA members,

As SEABA members we know that butterflies are beautiful and the life cycle of each... more

October 18, 2016

Beginning in January 2017: Meetings will be held at the Lutheran Church of the Foothills on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The Lutheran Church is located at 5102 North Craycroft Road in Tucson, just south of East Sunrise Drive.

September 14, 2016

This is the new website that has launched!

Tons and tons of thanks are due to Web Designer Yvonne Bourgeois's monumental contribution of time and technical effort to design and implement this exciting development for SEABA!

Also, thanks to Web Editor Gerry Wolfe's continued work to input text, on this new site as he did for the old site, and, also for his input of photos on this site, which help make it so much better than our old site!

by Vicki Wolfe, SEABA Publicity... more