Garden Canyon, Ft. Huachuca

Date & Time: 
November 1, 2017 -
7:30am to 4:00pm
Meeting Place: 
7:30am at Fry’s grocery store parking lot at Houghton & Rita Roads, or 8:45am at Baker’s Dozen bakery on Fry Blvd. 1/4 mile east of the Buffalo Soldier Gate to Ft. Huachuca.
Trip Leader: 
Mary Klinkel
Special Notes: 
We will enter the Fort at the Buffalo Soldier Gate to Ft. Huachuca. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR Ft. HUACHUCA PASS TO ENTER THIS GATE. Please be aware that Ft. Huachuca is a military base and you must be a US citizen and show a valid driver’s license or have a military ID in order to enter the fort. You will be required to fill out paperwork to apply for a base pass, and you can ask for one which is good for one year. Non-US citizens must be vouched for and accompanied at all times by a Military ID holder.

We will explore this beautiful canyon and hope for a Chiricahua White fallout at the top.  If the timing is right, there could be dozens of them of both sexes.  Bring cameras, batteries, lunch, snacks, water, sun protection and personal items.  Approximate return time to the bakery 2:30pm, Fry’s in Tucson 4pm.

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

Mary Klinkel led the group for a look at Garden Canyon on a perfect November day.  Thank you to our new and old friends from Sierra Vista for joining us!  Many butterflies were seen including some Chiricahua Whites, our hoped-for species. Butterflies seen:


  1. Chiricahua White                           Neophasia terlootii
  2. Southern Dogface                         Colias cesonia
  3. Cloudless Sulphur                          Phoebis sennae
  4. Mexican Yellow                             Eurema mexicana
  5. Tailed Orange                                 Eurema proterpia
  6. Sleepy Orange                                Eurema nicippe
  7. Dainty Sulphur                                Nathalis iole
  8. Reakirt’s Blue                                 Hemiargus isola
  9. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                       Celastrina ladon
  10. Fatal Metalmark                            Calephelis nemesis
  11. Gulf Fritillary                                   Agraulis vanillae
  12. Variegated Fritillary                      Euptoieta claudia
  13. Texan Crescent                                Phyciodes texana
  14. California Tortoiseshell                  Nymphalis californica  (seen & photographed by only one member of the group)
  15. Mourning Cloak                              Nymphalis antiopa
  16. American Lady                                 Vanessa virginiensis
  17. Painted Lady                                    Vanessa cardui
  18. Red Admiral                                      Vanessa atalanta
  19. Common Buckeye                           Junonia coenia
  20. ‘Arizona’ California Sister              Adelpha bredowii
  21. Nabokov's Satyr                              Cyllopsis pyracmon
  22. Funereal Duskywing                       Erynnis funeralis
  23. White Checkered-Skipper              Pyrgus albescens
  24. Huachuca Giant-Skipper                Agathymus evansi
Leader email:

General Information

Beginners are welcome on all field trips! Experienced members will share their butterfly knowledge and expertise with all field trip participants. Children accompanied by a responsible adult are welcome on SEABA field trips. A donation of $5 per person to benefit SEABA will be appreciated. Carpooling from the meeting place is encouraged and it is kind to share gas expenses. If high clearance vehicles are required for a trip, it will be noted in individual trip descriptions. Dress for the field with sturdy shoes, hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Bring your own water, snacks, and lunch. Close-focusing binoculars, cameras, and field guides will be helpful aids for butterfly observation and identification. Trips usually end by mid-afternoon unless noted differently in individual trip descriptions.

Please be aware that:

1. Collecting or netting is NOT allowed on SEABA field trips.

2. Pets, with the exception of service animals, are NOT allowed on SEABA field trips.

3. All field trip participants are required to sign SEABA's Release and Assumption of Risk form at the beginning of the trip. The form may be viewed at SEABA Release.

4. Please arrive a few minutes prior to the meeting time posted for trips to facilitate paperwork and introductions to other trip participants.

5. Field trips may be cancelled or rescheduled on short notice due to changing weather or road conditions. Please check the website for updates prior to the Field Trip.


Our Southeastern Arizona Butterfly Checklist can be downloaded here. Please note that the SEABA checklist is copyrighted.

Local NABA Butterfly Counts are listed at NABA Counts

Field trips organized by the Central Arizona Butterfly Association are listed at their website: CAzBA.