Bill Adams Memorial Rabbitbrush Trip

Date & Time: 
October 27, 2018 -
7:45am to 2:30pm
Meeting Place: 
1. 7:45 a.m. Frys parking lot at 8080 S Houghton (Houghton/Rita Road intersection). 2. 9:00 a.m. Patagonia Butterfly (across the street from Red Mountain Foods, 347 McKeown Ave.)
Trip Leader: 
Larry Fellows

Please arrive in time to sign the waiver form and take care of other matters so we can depart for Patagonia promptly at 8:00 a.m.


Bill was a dedicated butterflyer and committed SEABA member.  He and Mary, his spouse, led many SEABA field trips, the last of which was to the Harshaw Creek Rabbitbrush area in October 2016.  We will visit that locality on this trip, as well as others, depending on time and weather.  I’m pleased to lead this trip in Bill’s memory.

Roads are paved and improved gravel passable to passenger cars. Walking will be over some uneven terrain in washes and brushy in places.


Photo: Barred Yellow (Eurema daira) by Larry Fellows

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

On a beautiful, sunny and calm Autumn day, we visited the Patagonia Butterfly and Community Gardens, Red Mountain Road, the Harshaw Creek Rabbitbrush, and the rabbitbush in Las Cienegas National Conservation area. A total of 35 species were seen, including a very fresh Tropical Leafwing (Anaea aidea) and 6 Barred Yellow (Eurema daira).

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                        Battus philenor
  2. Cabbage White                                  Pieris rapae
  3. Orange Sulphur                                  Colias eurytheme
  4. Southern Dogface                            Colias cesonia
  5. Cloudless Sulphur                              Phoebis sennae
  6. Barred Yellow                                    Eurema daira
  7. Mexican Yellow                                 Eurema mexicana
  8. Tailed Orange                                    Eurema proterpia
  9. Sleepy Orange                                   Eurema nicippe
  10. Dainty Sulphur                                   Nathalis iole
  11. Gray Hairstreak                                  Strymon melinus
  12. Leda Ministreak                                 Ministrymon leda
  13. Western Pygmy-Blue                        Brephidium exile
  14. Ceraunus Blue                                    Hemiargus ceraunus
  15. Reakirt’s Blue                                     Hemiargus isola
  16. Fatal Metalmark                                Calephelis nemesis
  17. Arizona Metalmark                           Calephelis arizonensis
  18. American Snout                                 Libytheana carinenta
  19. Gulf Fritillary                                       Agraulis vanillae
  20. Variegated Fritillary                          Euptoieta claudia
  21. Tiny Checkerspot                               Dymasia dymas
  22. Texan Crescent                                  Phyciodes texana
  23. American Lady                                   Vanessa virginiensis
  24. West Coast Lady                               Vanessa annabella
  25. Common Buckeye                             Junonia coenia
  26. ‘Dark’ Tropical Buckeye                   J.genoveva nigrosuffusa
  27. ‘Arizona’ California Sister                Adelpha bredowii
  28. Tropical Leafwing                             Anaea aidea
  29. Monarch                                              Danaus plexippus
  30. Queen                                                  Danaus gilippus
  31. Funereal Duskywing                         Erynnis funeralis
  32. White Checkered-Skipper                Pyrgus albescens
  33. Desert Checkered-Skipper               Pyrgus philetas
  34. Clouded Skipper                                Lerema accius
  35. Orange Skipperling                            Copaeodes aurantiacus
Leader email:

General Information

Beginners are welcome on all field trips! Experienced members will share their butterfly knowledge and expertise with all field trip participants. Children accompanied by a responsible adult are welcome on SEABA field trips. A donation of $5 per person to benefit SEABA will be appreciated. Carpooling from the meeting place is encouraged and it is kind to share gas expenses. If high clearance vehicles are required for a trip, it will be noted in individual trip descriptions. Dress for the field with sturdy shoes, hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Bring your own water, snacks, and lunch. Close-focusing binoculars, cameras, and field guides will be helpful aids for butterfly observation and identification. Trips usually end by mid-afternoon unless noted differently in individual trip descriptions.

Please be aware that:

1. Collecting or netting is NOT allowed on SEABA field trips.

2. Pets, with the exception of service animals, are NOT allowed on SEABA field trips.

3. All field trip participants are required to sign SEABA's Release and Assumption of Risk form at the beginning of the trip. The form may be viewed at SEABA Release.

4. Please arrive a few minutes prior to the meeting time posted for trips to facilitate paperwork and introductions to other trip participants.

5. Field trips may be cancelled or rescheduled on short notice due to changing weather or road conditions. Please check the website for updates prior to the Field Trip.


Our Southeastern Arizona Butterfly Checklist can be downloaded here. Please note that the SEABA checklist is copyrighted.

Local NABA Butterfly Counts are listed at NABA Counts

Field trips organized by the Central Arizona Butterfly Association are listed at their website: CAzBA.