Meeting Places and Time: 8:00 AM in the McDonald’s parking lot located on Continental Rd. off I-19 in order to carpool down to Box Canyon or meet at 8:30AM at the Box Canyon bridge (8.0 miles west of AZ Hwy 83 on Greaterville road which becomes Box Canyon Road. Note that the last 4.7 miles are on a dirt road passable to passenger cars. Please arrive a few minutes early in order to sign the SEABA waiver form and to run personal errands so that we can leave on time.
Approximate stop time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Trip details: This is a great time to join your fellow butterfly enthusiasts for a few hours enjoying the outdoors. We will look for butterflies in a very beautiful canyon that runs east to west (providing a good butterfly flight path) in the foothills of the Santa Rita Mountains. This is a great opportunity to see a goodly number of butterfly species that fly during the monsoon, and hopefully, a few fall vagrants.
Walking will be in the canyon/dry streambed and on some primitive trails. There will be some light bushwacking and stepping up and down on large rocks. Rough in some areas, flat in others. Be sure to wear sturdy shoes!
For further information contact Gerry and Vicki Wolfe
On a sunny and slightly breezy day, the group walked dowstream from the bridge to the little falls and back upstream under the bridge for about half a mile. The trip ended back at the bridge about 2:00PM. 47 species were seen:
- Pipevine Swallowtail Battus philenor
- Giant Swallowtail Papilio cresphontes
- Checkered White Pontia protodice
- Orange Sulphur Colias eurytheme
- Southern Dogface Colias cesonia
- Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae
- Mexican Yellow Eurema mexicana
- Tailed Orange Eurema proterpia
- Sleepy Orange Eurema nicippe
- Dainty Sulphur Nathalis iole
- Western Pygmy-Blue Brephidium exile
- Marine Blue Leptotes marina
- Ceraunus Blue Hemiargus ceraunus
- Reakirt's Blue Hemiargus isola
- 'Echo' Spring Azure Celastrina ladon echo
- Fatal Metalmark Calephelis nemesis
- Arizona Metalmark Calephelis arizonensis
- Palmer's Metalmark Apodemia palmeri
- American Snout Libytheana carinenta
- Gulf Fritillary Agraulis vanillae
- Variegated Fritillary Euptoieta claudia
- Bordered Patch Chlosyne lacinia
- Elf Microtia elva
- Tiny Checkerspot Dymasia dymas
- Elada Checkerspot Texola elada
- Texan Crescent Phyciodes texana
- American Lady Vanessa virginiensis
- Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
- Common Buckeye Junonia coenia
- Tropical Buckeye Junonia genoveva
- Red-spotted Purple Limenitis arthemis astyanax
- California Sister Adelpha bredowii
- Hackberry Emperor Asterocampa celtis
- Empress Leilia Asterocampa leilia
- Tawny Emperor Asterocampa clyton
- Red Satyr Megisto rubricata
- Monarch Danaus plexippus
- Queen Danaus gilippus
- Arizona Skipper Codatractus arizonensis
- Dorantes Longtail Urbanus dorantes
- Golden-headed Scallopwing Staphylus ceos
- Arizona Powdered-Skipper Systasea zampa
- Funereal Duskywing Erynnis funeralis
- 'White' Common Checkered-Skipper Pyrgus communis albescens
- Desert Checkered-Skipper Pyrgus philetas
- Orange Skipperling Copaeodes aurantiacus
- Nysa Roadside-Skipper Amblyscirtes nysa