NABA Fall Santa Ritas

Date & Time: 
October 5, 2024 -
8:30am to 4:30pm
Meeting Place: 
Gerry & Vicki Wolfe
Compiler Email:

In 2021, this count was tops in the nation with 79 species found and an amazing 134,929 individuals recorded. The 15 mile diameter count circle includes Montosa, Madera, Florida, Box and Gardner Canyons along with the higher mountain trails accessed from Madera Canyon.

Please contact compilers Gerry & Vicki Wolfe if you wish to participate in this count. Everyone is welcome to participate!


Trip Butterfly Reports: 

The day was dry, mostly clear and relatively calm day, with temperatures ranging from 80˚ F to 100˚ F. 17 individuals in 8 parties found and identified 5472 individual butterflies in 69 species. The 2 species in bold were new for the count. The 8 species with * were a new high number of individuals for the count. Thanks to all who braved the scorching day and participated in the count!

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                         Battus philenor  12
  2. (Western) Giant Swallowtail          Papilio cresphontes (Rumiko)  1
  3. Checkered White                               Pontia protodice  8
  4. Orange Sulphur                                   Colias eurytheme  35
  5. Southern Dogface                              Colias cesonia  167
  6. Cloudless Sulphur                              Phoebis sennae  182
  7. Large Orange Sulphur                       Phoebis agarithe  1
  8. * Lyside Sulphur                                     Kricogonia lyside  4
  9. * Boisduval's Yellow                             Eurema boisduvaliana  6
  10. Mexican Yellow                                   Eurema Mexicana  923
  11. Tailed Orange                                      Eurema proterpia   225
  12. Eurema sp.                                            2
  13. Sleepy Orange                                     Eurema nicippe  42
  14. Dainty Sulphur                                    Nathalis iole  105
  15. Great Purple Hairstreak                   Atlides halesus  6
  16. Gray Hairstreak                                   Strymon melinus  61
  17. Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak                Strymon istapa  3
  18. Leda Ministreak                                  Ministrymon leda  17
  19. Western Pygmy-Blue                       Brephidium exile  78
  20. Marine Blue                                          Leptotes marina 11
  21. Ceraunus Blue                                     Hemiargus Ceraunus  44
  22. Reakirt’s Blue                                       Hemiargus isola  54
  23. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                           Celastrina ladon  28
  24. * Acmon Blue                                          Plebejus acmon texana  15
  25. Fatal Metalmark                                 Calephelis nemesis  10
  26. Arizona Metalmark                           Calephelis arizonensis  80
  27. * Mormon Metalmark                         Apodemia mormo  28
  28. Hepburn's Metalmark                      Apodemia hepburni  2
  29. Palmer's Metalmark                         Apodemia palmeri  497
  30. American Snout                                  Libytheana carinenta  1888
  31. Gulf Fritillary                                         Agraulis vanilla  16
  32. Variegated Fritillary                           Euptoieta claudia  14
  33. * Mexican Fritillary                                Euptoieta hegesia  3
  34. Bordered Patch                                   Chlosyne lacinia  48
  35. Elf                                                             Microtia elva  1
  36. Tiny Checkerspot                               Dymasia dymas  4
  37. Elada Checkerspot                            Texola elada perse  6
  38. Texan Crescent                                   Phyciodes texana  23
  39. * Pearl Crescent                                     Phyciodes tharos  6
  40. Question Mark                                    Polygonia interrogationis  1
  41. American Lady                                     Vanessa virginiensis  11
  42. Painted Lady                                        Vanessa cardui  12
  43. West Coast Lady                                 Vanessa Annabella  1
  44. Red Admiral                                          Vanessa Atalanta  2
  45. Common Buckeye                             Junonia coenia  16
  46. Red-spotted Purple                          Limenitis arthemis astyanax  29
  47. ‘Arizona’ California Sister                Adelpha bredowii  101
  48. Tropical Leafwing                               Anaea aidea  1
  49. Hackberry Emperor                           Asterocampa celtis  17
  50. Empress Leilia                                      Asterocampa leilia  149
  51. * Tawny Emperor                                  Asterocampa clyton  84
  52. Nabokov's Satyr                                  Cyllopsis pyracmon  10
  53. Red Satyr                                               Megisto rubricata  1
  54. Red-bordered Satyr                          Gyrocheilus patrobas  10
  55. Monarch                                                Danaus Plexippus  1
  56. Queen                                                    Danaus gilippus  25
  57. Dorantes Longtail                               Urbanus Dorantes  1
  58. Golden-headed Scallopwing          Staphylus ceos  8
  59. * Arizona Powdered-Skipper            Systasea zampa  21
  60. Funereal Duskywing                         Erynnis funeralis  176
  61. Duskywing (Erynnis?) sp.                4
  62. Common/White Checkered-Skipper        Pyrgus communis/albescens  29
  63. Desert Checkered-Skipper             Pyrgus philetas  9
  64. Erichson's White-Skipper                Heliopyrgus domicella  4
  65. Northern White-Skipper                 Heliopetes ericetorum  1
  66. * Tropical Least Skipper                      Ancyloxypha arene  14
  67. Orange Skipperling                            Copaeodes aurantiacus  69
  68. Fiery Skipper                                        Hylephila phyleus  2
  69. Atrytonopsis sp.                                 1
  70. Eufala Skipper                                     Lerodea eufala  1
  71. Arizona Giant-Skipper                      Agathymus aryxna  9