NABA Sabino Canyon / Santa Catalina Mts Spring

Date & Time: 
April 1, 2022 -
8:00am to 4:00pm
Meeting Place: 
Mary Klinkel
Compiler Email:

Please mark your calendars for the Sabino Canyon / Santa Catalina Mts Spring butterfly count to be held FRIDAY, April 1, 2022 ( no fooling ).  This is the best date for avoiding weekend traffic on the Catalina Highway and at Sabino Canyon.


Please let Mary know if you can help with this count, and if you have requests for territory and who you count with.  At this point there are no plans for a meeting time or a compilation dinner due to continuing COVID-19 variants.  As soon as she has the butterfly count checklist ready, she will pass it along to participants.

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

The Counters found 67 species total, tying two other years as the high number for this count (2015 & 2020).  Quite a change from last year's total of 28 species seen in the time of major drought.  The excellent rain received late last Summer & Fall really made a difference!

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                        Battus philenor               151
  2. Western Giant Swallowtail             Heraclides rumiko          2
  3. Two-tailed Swallowtail                    Papilio multicaudata     53
  4. Checkered White                              Pontia protodice             27
  5. ‘Desert’ Pearly Marble                     Euchloe hyantis lotta     25
  6. ‘Pima’ Desert Orangetip                  Anthocharis cethura pima          3
  7. SW Orangetip                                     Anthocharis thoosa inghami      38
  8. Orange Sulphur                                  Colias eurytheme           35
  9. Southern Dogface                            Colias cesonia  105
  10. Cloudless Sulphur                              Phoebis sennae               2
  11. Mexican Yellow                                 Eurema Mexicana          33
  12. Sleepy Orange                                   Eurema nicippe               50
  13. Dainty Sulphur                                   Nathalis iole     57
  14. Great Purple Hairstreak                   Atlides halesus                7
  15. Brown Elfin                                         Callophrys augustinus   1
  16. Thicket Hairstreak                             Callophrys spinetorum  5
  17. Siva' Juniper Hairstreak                   Callophrys gryneus siva               16
  18. Gray Hairstreak                                  Strymon melinus             38
  19. Marine Blue                                        Leptotes marina             156
  20. Ceraunus Blue                                    Hemiargus ceraunus     4
  21. Reakirt’s Blue                                     Hemiargus isola              11
  22.  ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                          Celastrina ladon             84
  23. Acmon Blue                                        Plebejus acmon texana 30
  24. Fatal Metalmark                                Calephelis nemesis         7
  25. Zela Metalmark                                 Emesis zela       2
  26. American Snout                                 Libytheana carinenta    53
  27. Gulf Fritillary                                       Agraulis vanilla               4
  28. Variegated Fritillary                          Euptoieta claudia           2
  29. Black Checkerspot                             Chlosyne cyneas             3
  30. Fulvia Checkerspot                           Chlosyne fulvia                16
  31. Bordered Patch                                 Chlosyne lacinia              1
  32. Sagebrush Checkerspot                   Chlosyne acastus            80
  33. Tiny Checkerspot                               Dymasia dymas              33
  34. Elada Checkerspot                            Texola elada     3
  35. Texan Crescent                                  Phyciodes texana           111
  36. Satyr Comma                                     Polygonia satyrus           1
  37. Mourning Cloak                                Nymphalis antiopa         9
  38. American Lady                                   Vanessa virginiensis       2
  39. Painted Lady                                      Vanessa cardui                11
  40. Red Admiral                                        Vanessa atalanta           2
  41. Common Buckeye                             Junonia coenia                19
  42. ‘Dark’ Tropical Buckeye                   J.genoveva nigrosuffusa              2
  43. Red-spotted Purple                           Limenitis arthemis Astyanax      6
  44.  ‘Arizona’ California Sister               Adelpha bredowii           1
  45. Empress Leilia                                    Asterocampa leilia         43
  46. Queen                                                  Danaus gilippus              21
  47. White-striped Longtail                    Chioides catillus              1  (1st recorded sighting in Sabino Canyon!)
  48. Desert Cloudywing                           Achalarus casica            1
  49. Acacia Skipper                                    Cogia hippalus                 1
  50. Golden-headed Scallopwing          Staphylus ceos                19
  51. Arizona Powdered-Skipper              Systasea zampa              32
  52. Sleepy Duskywing                             Erynnis brizo     18
  53. Meridian Duskywing                         Erynnis meridianus         3
  54. Mournful Duskywing                        Erynnis tristis    12
  55. Pacuvius Duskywing                         Erynnis pacuvius             5
  56. Funereal Duskywing                         Erynnis funeralis             24
  57. White Checkered-Skipper                Pyrgus albescens            29
  58. Desert Checkered-Skipper               Pyrgus philetas               1
  59. Erichson's White-Skipper                 Heliopyrgus domicella   4
  60. Common Streaky-Skipper                Celotes nessus                 8
  61. Tropical Least Skipper                      Ancyloxypha arene        8
  62. Orange Skipperling                            Copaeodes aurantiacus               35
  63. Fiery Skipper                                       Hylephila phyleus           2
  64. Pahaska Skipper                                 Hesperia Pahaska           3
  65. White-barred Skipper                       Atrytonopsis Pittacus    5
  66. Eufala Skipper                                    Lerodea eufala                1
  67. Violet-clouded Skipper                    Lerodea arabus               4