Spring Sabino Canyon/Santa Catalina Mts

Date & Time: 
April 3, 2020 -
7:00am to 4:00pm
Meeting Place: 
See special notes below
Mary Klinkel
Compiler Email: 

No public meeting point/time due to coronavirus closure of Sabino Canyon visitor center & parking lot.  Solos or small groups only, and you must contact Mary prior to the count via email to participate. Let Mary know if you have a preference for where you want to go. She will send you the checklist & confirm your location.  No compilation dinner, just send Mary your list by email, and please include hours by foot/car, time spent.  BE SURE TO USE grizzledelfin@gmail.com EMAIL ADDRESS, her old email address doesn't work.


Mary will cover the $3.00/person cost to NABA.  However ----- it's still possible that Catalina Hwy could close if Coronado NF closes.  If so, we'll have to just do private property or whatever we can access.  As the magic 8 ball says ...  "all will be revealed ...."    More later, thanks!



This count includes territory easily reached by paved road up the Catalina Highway to Mt. Lemmon, as well as lower Sonoran Desert areas. Note that a Coronado NF pass, America the Beautiful, or other Federal Recreational Lands pass is required for parking on the Catalina Highway within the National Forest.


Trip Butterfly Reports: 

03 April 2020; 0700-1730 hrs;          sun AM 76-100%, PM 76-100%;

55-83°F;                                          wind 0-10 mi/hr.

16 observers in 11 parties. Total party-hours 62; total party-miles on foot 53

Species Counted:

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                Battus philenor 89
  2. Black Swallowtail                    Papilio polyxenes 3
  3. Giant Swallowtail                    Papilio cresphontes 4
  4. Two-tailed Swallowtail             Papilio multicaudata 43
  5. Spring White                           Pontia sisymbrii 2
  6. Checkered White                    Pontia protodice 275
  7. ‘Desert’ Pearly Marble             Euchloe hyantis lotta 47
  8. ‘Pima’ Desert Orangetip          Anthocharis cethura pima 14
  9. Sara Orangetip                       Anthocharis sara 61
  10. Orange Sulphur                      Colias eurytheme 3
  11. Southern Dogface                   Colias cesonia 29
  12. Mexican Yellow                      Eurema mexicana 60
  13. Mimosa Yellow                      Eurema nise 1
  14. Sleepy Orange                       Eurema nicippe 52
  15. Dainty Sulphur                        Nathalis iole 164
  16. Great Purple Hairstreak          Atlides halesus 3
  17. Brown Elfin                             Callophrys augustinus 29
  18. Thicket Hairstreak                   Callophrys spinetorum 1
  19. Siva' Juniper Hairstreak          Callophrys gryneus siva 11
  20. Gray Hairstreak                      Strymon melinus 24
  21. Arizona Hairstreak                  Erora quaderna 5
  22. Western Pygmy-Blue              Brephidium exile 8
  23. Marine Blue                            Leptotes marina 28
  24. Ceraunus Blue                        Hemiargus ceraunus 4
  25. Reakirt’s Blue                         Hemiargus isola 9
  26. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                Celastrina ladon 283
  27. Acmon Blue                            Plebejus acmon texana 6
  28. Zela Metalmark                       Emesis zela 1
  29. American Snout                      Libytheana carinenta 5
  30. Gulf Fritillary                           Agraulis vanillae 2
  31. Variegated Fritillary              Euptoieta claudia 3
  32. Black Checkerspot                  Chlosyne cyneas 1
  33. Fulvia Checkerspot                 Chlosyne fulvia 21
  34. Sagebrush Checkerspot         Chlosyne acastus 48
  35. Tiny Checkerspot                    Dymasia dymas 232
  36. Elada Checkerspot                 Texola elada 22
  37. Texan Crescent                      Phyciodes texana 57
  38. Mylitta Crescent                      Phyciodes mylitta 24
  39. Satyr Comma                         Polygonia satyrus 2
  40. Mourning Cloak                      Nymphalis antiopa 13
  41. American Lady                       Vanessa virginiensis 2
  42. Painted Lady                          Vanessa cardui 185
  43. Red Admiral                           Vanessa atalanta 24
  44. Common Buckeye                  Junonia coenia 314
  45. ‘Dark’ Tropical Buckeye          J.genoveva nigrosuffusa 20
  46. Red-spotted Purple                 Limenitis arthemis astyanax 6
  47. Empress Leilia                        Asterocampa leilia 90
  48. Monarch                                 Danaus plexippus 1
  49. Queen                                    Danaus gilippus 19
  50. Silver-spotted Skipper             Epargyreus clarus 1
  51. Golden-headed Scallopwing   Staphylus ceos 16
  52. Arizona Powdered-Skipper     Systasea zampa 25
  53. White-patched Skipper         Chiomara asychis 1
  54. Sleepy Duskywing                  Erynnis brizo 12
  55. Mournful Duskywing               Erynnis tristis 7
  56. Pacuvius Duskywing               Erynnis pacuvius 8
  57. Funereal Duskywing               Erynnis funeralis 18
  58. White Checkered-Skipper       Pyrgus albescens 51
  59. Desert Checkered-Skipper      Pyrgus philetas 5
  60. Erichson's White-Skipper        Heliopyrgus domicella 3
  61. Common Streaky-Skipper       Celotes nessus 11
  62. Common Sootywing                Pholisora catullus 1Sar
  63. Orange Skipperling                 Copaeodes aurantiacus 62
  64. Fiery Skipper                          Hylephila phyleus 19
  65. Pahaska Skipper                    Hesperia pahaska 1
  66. White-barred Skipper              Atrytonopsis pittacus 13
  67. Violet-clouded Skipper            Lerodea arabus 3

Unidentified: Erynnis sp. 4


Number in Bold = New High count

Species in Bold = New for Count